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Modernization Vs. Home Bonding

  • person Shai Cohen
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What dangers does modernization pose against home bonding, and how can it be handled properly?


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'Home Concept.'

Today, we're responding to the valuable requests from our blog readers, who have shared their struggles with modernization's impact on family bonding.

Your input is not just crucial; it's the heart of our discussion, and we're here to delve into these challenges together.

We understand that modernization, with its myriad temptations, often hampers our efforts to achieve a more intimate, cohesive, and enriching home-bonding experience.

This is a struggle many of us can relate to, and you are not alone in this. We've all felt the pull of technology and its impact on our family dynamics.

The social and communication challenges modernization, with its many technological aspects, has brought to our world are countless:

Starting with the devaluation of face-to-face communication, through the lowering of human ability to concentrate (especially in children and teenagers), and ending with the reduction of emotional intelligence in most of us. Some will even argue that technology can affect our emotional stability.

All of these and more are just some of the adverse effects of modernization (along with its loud cousin, technology) on basic human social skills - a phenomenon that has a massive impact on almost every human interaction, particularly on homely family ones.

In this article, we're not just discussing the issues-we're providing practical solutions.

We'll thoroughly examine the modernization challenges that strain family bonding at home. Then, we'll equip you with the tools to successfully navigate these challenges in your own family, ensuring you have a clear roadmap to follow and the power to make a positive change.

Rest assured, as always, we comprehensively understand the topic. Our expertise in family dynamics and modernization challenges ensures you're in good hands and you can trust the information we provide.

So, if you've ever wanted to know the impact of modernism on the family, you've come to the right place.


'Modernization Vs. Home Bonding - How To Encourage Family Bonding?'

Hop on!



1. Lack Of Joint Family Time.


American religious leader Boyd K. Packer once said:

"Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected."


It's not a matter of being a fancy sociologist but a pressing reality: electronic devices, a hallmark of modernization, pose a significant and urgent challenge to family bonding.

All you have to do is just take a quick look inside almost every home with teenagers, and you will see how everyone is stuck in their room with their cell phone in hand while the living room is desolate, like a western wilderness.

Studies show unequivocally that cell phone addiction is as real as it gets.

The disconnection caused by family members being absorbed in their screens is not just a threat but a looming danger to bonding and family closeness.

Actually, it's pretty obvious. Think about it for a moment: unless you are aliens from another planet communicating through strange telepathy, what kind of family bonding can you create within such a significant physical and mental distance from each other?!

Exactly - None!

It turns out, then, that modernization's initial challenge against your home bonding is the social distance resulting from the excessive use of technology.

'So what to do?' you must be asking.

The good news is, there's a solution.

In two words - Family time.

In other words - A fixed family time frame

This refers to a specific period, such as an hour or two, set aside for family activities and conversations.

Family time is not just any time spent together but time dedicated to meaningful family communication characterized by physical closeness. This could involve activities such as board games, cooking together, or simply sitting in a circle and sharing stories.

The key is to engage in activities that promote interaction and foster a sense of togetherness.

The benefits of good family communication are enormous for your home bonding. It fosters understanding, strengthens relationships, and creates a sense of belonging. It becomes even more critical in the face of modernization's challenges, as it helps counteract the negative effects of technology on family closeness, adding significant value to your family life.

Set, let's say - once every few days, a family gathering time when everyone, whether they like it or not (yes, frowning teens - you too..), is required to come to the living room for a short family conversation.

But make no mistake - family time does not mean family mealtimes- about which it can be said that although they can be used for consolidating family conversation and catching up, their main 'thing' is eating.

When we say "family time," we aim for time dedicated exclusively to meaningful conversation and closeness between family members.

By implementing dedicated family time, you can counteract the negative effects of technology, reclaiming the physical closeness essential for family bonding.

There are many more effective ways to encourage family conversations. 

For instance, you can introduce a 'no-screen' rule during family meals or plan a weekly family game night. These strategies can help create opportunities for meaningful interactions and strengthen family bonds.

Undoubtedly, the lack of shared family time is one prominent characteristic of modernism's impact on families.


Home products.
Family talk will help you improve your communication skills!


By the way, for additional enrichment on the subject, please read the relevant article from our sweet blog about turning your home into a center for family activities.


On to the next one on our 'Modernization Vs. Home Bonding' Conceptual comparison.

Shared family time is precious!





You are probably familiar with Ronald Reagan's amusing quote:

"I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say, why take the chance?"


For most of us who heavily rely on technology for our daily activities, 'home laziness' is a familiar concept. It's a barrier that we all face, hindering us in many areas of life, including home bonding.

'How'? You might be asking?

Well, Many pieces of evidence claim that, alongside technology's significant advantages, it has made us much lazier as humans.

Let's take a look at some of the culprits: 


Food ordering technology.

Excessive entertainment without leaving the couch.

Online shopping.

Social gatherings in cyberspace.

Errand delivery technology.

Navigation apps.

"Smart" tech homes.


All these and more are only a tiny part of technology's challenging effect on the productive aspects of our lives, which is a matter of concern for all of us.

But it's not just about productivity. This 'convenience' can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle, with family members glued to their couches or rooms, which inevitably hampers home bonding.

It's a stark reality that we all must acknowledge. One that underscores the need for us to be aware of the immense impact of modernism on the family.


Home products.
Why get up when you can manage everything from the couch?


Once you realize that the damage source to your home bonding is laziness - resulting from modernization characterized by too much technology, leading to social distance - You will probably use the traditional tools for dealing with classic laziness among family members.


Things like:


Some restrictions on technology use.

A stricter approach regarding doing house chores.

Shared activity.

Family conversations (Talk it out!).

Lead by example.

Appreciate the little things they do.


All these and more are just a tiny part of the tools available to deal with home laziness. Applying them can strengthen the sense of closeness and bonding within your home.

By the way, the above aspects may also raise another and no less important question:

Is technology destroying the quality of our family time?

We'll leave the answer for you to ponder.


On to the next one on our 'Modernization Vs. Home Bonding' Conceptual comparison.





According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, 'Individualism' is defined as:

'A doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be 'ethically paramount.'

In a nutshell, in contrast to 'Collectivism' - which prioritizes the good of the collective and its needs over individual needs - According to this concept, the individual and his needs should be prioritized as high as possible and at the center of things.

It's all about how You feel.

Individualism has many advantages. 

There is an emphasis on personal excellence and increased creativity, alongside significant attention to classical principles of emotional intelligence, such as understanding the feelings and needs of others, along with paying attention to subtle nuances that may be offensive to others.

But it's important to note that there are also inherent disadvantages:

Due to its almost exclusive focus on the individual's needs and development, individualism may lead to selfishness and some resistance toward required changes.

Furthermore, excessive individualism may entirely supersede the needs of the collective. And we are indeed, after all, creatures that live in diverse collectives.

Some will even argue that too much 'freedom' may damage classical traditional/conservative values, which provide a strong sense of stability.

Back to our article's topic, modernization significantly strengthens the concept of individualism. It provides the idea's core with academic support and an evidential infrastructure, clearly clarifying its importance.

It's clear then that an increased sense of individualism may damage your "sense of togetherness," which may lead to a destructive impact on your home bonding.

When each household member is focused only on their needs and personal development, how can closeness and family bonding be increased?!


Home products. What dangers does modernization pose against homeliness
The individual at the center


'So how do you deal with that?' you must be asking.

Well, embracing collectivism, the theory that values the group over the individual is a powerful way to counter the negative effects of individualism on family bonding. It offers hope for a stronger, more united family unit.

Try to offer a unique value to your family as a whole, as opposed to each family member's individual existence.

By adopting a family collectivist approach, you're fostering a culture of mutual appreciation and shared decision-making. It will strengthen family bonds and instill values of mutual support and loyalty in your family's core.

As a brief analogy from sports, try to think of family individualism as an individual sport, such as tennis or golf, and family collectivism as a team sport, such as basketball or football, in which success is defined as a team victory, no matter how great the stats of one of the players are (Did you hear that LeBron..?).

If you're navigating the challenges of modernization and its impact on family bonding, remember to keep your family's goals and unity at the forefront. This will inspire and motivate you to overcome any obstacles.

So, what's the takeaway here? It's simple: let's all play on the same team, folks. Let's play football, where every member is crucial for the team's success.


On to the next one on our 'Modernization Vs. Home Bonding' Conceptual comparison.



4. A Different Friendship Model.


Emerging social science theories are compellingly arguing that the very essence of human connection, be it the bond between individuals or the relationship with oneself, has undergone profound shifts in the wake of modernization processes. This is a significant development that demands our attention and understanding. 

Our modes of communication, as well as the ways we express affection and opinions, have evolved significantly in the modern era. This transformation is a fascinating aspect of our societal changes, inviting us to ponder on the implications and the future of human connections.

Familiar with Dad's cute nags while lying restfully on his rocking chair?

"Your spoiled generation, the problem with you, young Thundercats, think you know everything...you will not recognize true friendship and loyalty even if it falls on your head from the sky...in my time, back in the days, we would close huge deals with the help of a few words and a handshake. A man's word was his greatest asset.

As for you, even contracts the size of Texas are not enough. And don't even get me started on the rest of your social skills. When was the last time you physically spoke to each other?

When on earth did any of you young men walk up to a lady at a bar and politely introduce themselves without trying to look her up on your funny, weird apps?! A handshake, a pat on the back, a smell, a touch - do you even know what all these are?."

Although these comments may initially amuse you, unfortunately, they do indeed contain, as stated, real science-based insights concerning social relationships/skills in our modern era.

Let's be honest for a moment. We don't communicate with the same human warmth as before, and not necessarily due to the features of technology. Humanity has simply transformed (not necessarily positively) to a certain extent. And with the (cold) consequences we all have to face, such as increased loneliness, decreased empathy, and a lack of deep, meaningful connections.

One of the most pressing challenges that modernization presents to the fabric of family bonding is the modern friendship model it has engendered.

This model, with its unique dynamics and demands, can potentially hinder the deep human connection among family members, even within the confines of the same household.

Read this fantastic article - 'The Myths and Reality of Modern Friendship.' - which delves into the changing dynamics of friendship in the modern era, the impact of technology on social relationships, and the myths surrounding modern friendship. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of human connections in today's world.

Thank us later.


Home products. What dangers does modernization pose against homeliness
The friendship model has changed a lot


Amidst the allure of virtual connections, it's crucial to embrace 'older' friendship principles. Those who have been damaged on a certain level by the modernism impact on families.

Prioritize the value of a real, physical hug over a virtual one. It's a choice that reaffirms the importance of genuine human connections in our lives. 

Embrace physical closeness with people! It's where the true warmth and joy of human connections lie.

Take the initiative to host as many friends as possible within your home. Feel the warmth of their presence, the joy of their laughter, and the comfort of their company. It's a small step that can make a big difference in maintaining meaningful relationships.

There are many examples, but the guiding principle is simple: Don't let the modern friendship model damage your home bonding.

Reflect on the joy of spending time with friends in your childhood, the laughter, the games, the physical interactions. Now, compare it to today's digital interactions, and you might find a longing for those simpler times.

It is undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges when answering the question - 'How To Encourage Family Bonding?'


Rest my case, your honor!


Home products. What dangers does modernization pose against homeliness


We hope this article - 'Modernization Vs. Home Bonding - How To Encourage Family Bonding?' - has helped you to some extent if you face some difficulties in this area. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.


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'Modernization and the Family.'


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